3 Things I got from People

2 min readMar 23, 2021


The photo describes the loneliness of a human and his sufferings from “zero to hero”
The photo describes the loneliness of a human and his sufferings from “zero to hero”

Run your own race!

In the contemporary world, you are as alone as the first man “Adam” was. Life indeed teaches us at almost every step and stage, I personally believe that a human being shouldn't ever pull himself out of the cognitive learning phase; because the fact that we regularly learn from our mistakes. Since I crossed my teenage, I’ve opened myself to almost every sort of reform. “I am always ready to learn although I do not always like to being taught” (-Winston Churchill)

An undoubted observation that is true to a huge extent, try to shorten your F&F circle because the good quality of people in your life can lead you towards positive amelioration; whereas, the quantity of people can immensely become the reason for the disastrous outcome.

I accepted the term that “(FLY) first love yourself” while living life alone as this is one of the wonderful approaches to self-learning, you’ll at least get room for improvement.

Avoid family customs

Indeed the major pillar of one’s family is the parents, it is seemly true to be observed that in the developed countries of the world some parents are modern enough that they understand their kids according to the era as well as their amplitudes about what are they capable of encountering the circumstances.

In contrast, a few of the guardians and the dominant parents try to impose their conventional techniques, norms, and morals on children and adhere them to stay within the specified career pathway which is being decided by the parents; eventually, leading them to deminish the decision-making power of their kids.

Nobody can deny that “we all grow from the worst”. Therefore, for personal growth, it is necessarily vital for a person to make a decision even during his/her blossoming stage.

Be you and Be open

A very famous saying of a Chinese philosopher “Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom.” Life teaches me the bitter truth that this is such a hard assignment of one’s life to know about himself, if you know about yourself you are wiser. You should be yourself and be determined and know that the world for sure will adjust with you for their own sake.

Last but not least, (Be Open and Be Kind) because of the reason that your kindness is always appreciated by God, and in order to sharpen the humans' abilities one must open himself to welcoming the flows of life.

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